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Archives of Queries replied by Niru Gupta


How to make tamato sauce and to preserve it for long period
Query posted by : Dinesh Chourasia on 21-Feb-2010

Tomato Ketchup

Ingredients: 1kg tomatoes-chopped roughly
2 tsp chopped garlic
2 tbsp sugar
2 tsp salt or to taste
1 tsp garam masala
1 tsp chilli powder
2 tbsp vinegar
1/4 tsp sodium benzoate-mixed with water
boiled water

Method: Cook the tomatoes and garlic together till soft.

Strain through a soup strainer, or blend in a blend and then pass through a sieve.

Put it back over high heat, add sugar, salt, garam masala, chilli powder and vinegar and cook till thick. The mixture begins to spurt only in the center, when ready.

Take off the heat, add the sodium benzoate (a preservative) solution and store in airtight sterilised jars.

Niru aunty I really appreciated your cooking tips whenever I could catch them on ACTIVE COOKING. Its only today that I accessed your website and am glad I have finally found the perfect person to address my queries to.

1) I try to make eggless cakes using substitutes like a banana for two eggs. These recipes also call for baking soda. Is it necessary to use curd to make the soda work?

2)I usually stock up the cream from boiled milk for extracting buttter but it doesn't always yield a lot of , so was wondering if the cream itself can be used in place of butter. If so what would be the ideal quantity ?

3) Can grated apples or any other fruits be used as egg substitutes?

Mine turn out to be reasonably soft but then I don't have a yardstick as I usually mod~ify ingredients so always feel it could be better.Do help
Query posted by : Rashmi Malhotra on 15-Feb-2010

1) A little bit of sourness or acidity helps soda work better. That is why the dahi.

2) Malai can be used instead of butter in the same volume as the butter.

3) In my knowledge fruit is not a substitute for eggs. One formula that works well is: 1tsp vinegar+1/4 cup milk for each egg.

Hope this helps you. One piece of advise I always give is that the first time you try something, please go according to the recipe and modify next time, after you know how the original works.

Do u have any vegetarian Spaghetti recipe ? And it must be easy to cook.

Query posted by : mahesh sarkar on 14-Feb-2010

Here is a pasta sauce which you can use with any pasta. Just boil the pasta and mix it with the boiled pasta. You can garnish it with grated cheese:

Italian Style Tomato Sauce

A tomato based sauce to be used for pastas and any other suitable dish

Recipe By : Niru Gupta

Serving : 4

Cooking Time : 30 minutes

Tomato Puree 2 cups (2 packets)
Onion, grated ½ cup
Garlic paste ½ tsp
Salt 1 tsp or to taste
Sugar 1 tsp
Chilli powder 1 tsp
Ajwain leaves 2 tbsp OR
Dried Oregano leaves 1 tsp
Basil or Tulsi leaves 2 tbsp
Olive Oil 2 tbsp

Heat oil and saute the onions and garlic till slightly coloured.

Add the tomato puree and bring to a boil, and add salt, chilli powder, oregano and basil.

Simmer for a couple of minutes, then take it off the heat.

This can be refrigerated for 3-4 days or frozen for future use.

how to make sun dried mutton
Query posted by : nusrathfarzana on 10-Feb-2010

Sorry but I don't know how.

Hi Niru,

I am vegetarian and when I was recently in India in Delhi I was given a dish called chaapa (query spelling) which I'm told is soya mince made into a kebab on a stick in a rich lovely masala.
Can I make this at home and do you have a recipe please?

many thanks
Query posted by : Ruma Verma on 5-Feb-2010

I do not have a recipe for that, but you could make this kabab in that shape and put it in a masala:

Soya Kabab
2 cups soya granules-soaked in water for an hour and then wash and drain
water to soak 2 tbsp sirka(vinegar)
2 bread slices-grated
2 tsp salt or to taste
1 tsp pissi kali mirch
2 cloves-powdered
1 badi elaichi-seeds only, powdered
2 tsp green chillies-chopped fine or to taste
1 tsp chilli powder or to taste
oil for pan frying

Method: Blend the soya in a blender to make a smooth, doughy paste. Add bread, salt, kali mirch, laung and elaichi powder, hari mirch and chilli powder. Blend well together and form into flat round balls.

Heat oil in a non-stick frying pan and fry the kababs to a golden brown on both sides.

If you eat garlic you can add 1/2 tsp garlic paste also


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