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Archives of Queries replied by Niru Gupta


Hello Neeruji, a working woman. Only Sunday at disposal to call close to 12 friends for brunch. Can you please suggest a hasslefree nice Sunday Brunch Menu!

Query posted by : renuka shaligram on 17-Dec-2009

Make your highlight grilled sandwiches:
Keep a few fillings spread on the table:
sauted mushrooms
sauted cooked chicken
tomato slices
or any fillings that you would like.
buttered slices of bread or both separate.
People will make sandwiches of their choice and love it.
As accompaniement you can have wafers, a tossed salad and a cake or pie of your choice.
Keep a griller on the table itself

dear niruji,how to prepare 250gm chenna
Query posted by : nadiya on 12-Dec-2009

Ingredients: 1 kg full cream milk
2 tbsp sour lime juice

Method: Boil the milk, lower heat and add limejuice, stirring till the milk begins to curdle. When the whey is clear, stop adding the solution, shut off the heat and leave for about 5 minutes.

Drain curdled milk through a cloth and leave to set for an hour or so. They whey left behind is very nutritious and can be used for gravies, rice, lentils.

Note: In case you live in the West, or somewhere where the milk is very rich, use a less fatty milk, or else the paneer will not hold its shape

Dear Ms. Niru,

Hello! This is Apoorva M. Sheth from Mumbai. How are you doing?

I have few questions to ask here in regards to an Eggless Cake Recipe:

Q1. After baking the cake and decorating it with icing, I keep the entire cake into the Refrigerator. After few hours passes away, the cake starts drying. Therefore, what should I do to make sure that the cake doesn't dry out once kept inside the refrigerator for a longer time?

Q2. Whenever I keep by cake for baking under Convection mode, I always see the cake rising up in an uneven manner. Then, the cracks at the top of the cake starts appearing. So, what should I do to make the cake arise in an even manner and also to make sure that the crack doesn't take place. Note: I use Aluminum Baking Bowl for my cake baking under the convection mode.

Q3. I have seen the cake purchased from outside which whenever I had them, I could feel "There's good amount of moisture in the cake base as well as in the chocolate icing such as in Black Forest Cake or Chocolate Truffle Cake...how'z that made possible?"

Q4. Which is the best chocolate you will recommend for Chocolate Truffle cake that can melt fast and give good texture, tase and smell on Truffle Cake?

Kindly reply at your earliest please....

Query posted by : Apoorva M. Sheth on 2-Dec-2009

Hi Apoorva, here are my answers which I hope will help:
1. When you refrigerate an iced cake the icing on top will dry out a bit but the cake inside will be fine. Once you cut a cake you must always keep it covered other wise it will dry out.
2. A cake cracks on top if too much is put into one tin--a cake tin should not be more than half full (except if it is a heavy fruit cake.) Or it happens when the temperature is too high and the cake cooks on top and not inside.
3. Cakes like Black Forest are usually drizzled on top with syrup or juice along with alcohol before being iced. And the truffle keeps the cake moist as it is a moist filling.
4. Unfortunately I cannot help you with a brand name of chocolate. But any good store will have what is called 'cooking chocolate' or coverture. Mumbai should have quite a few shops which stock these. I can only talk of old times when Crawford Market had all these items. Then Colaba has a shop---I am not sure but the name I think was Rustom or such like. Akbarally's should have it too.

how to make fish fingers
Query posted by : bhavna on 1-Dec-2009

The url for the recipe:

Hi, I would like to know the hindi name for black beans ( the ones used to make black bean sauce) and haricot beans. thanx
Query posted by : ujwala s on 27-Nov-2009

Frankly I have not seen them for myself, but they are supposed to be black soya beans. I suppose the shop keeper should know if you tell him that. Since soya beans are available, black ones may be too.
As for Haricot beans, I get them when I ask for Frans bean ki daal or beej.

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