1. Clean and wash the grains to be sprouted, and soak in water coming up to at least 1 ½cm/1” above them, for about 4 hours in Summer and 7-8 hours in Winter.
2. Drain the water away and transfer the grains into a wide mouthed jar. Tie a piece of muslin over the mouth of the jar.
3. Place the jar at an angle, mouth side down, in a wide container (idea being that no water stands at the bottom).
4. Three times a day, pour water into the jar, drain out and keep at an angle again. Repeat this till sprouts are of desired length.
5. Alternatively, tie drained grains in a piece of muslin, and leave to drain at a convenient spot. Pour some water over this about three times a day, till the sprouts are of the desired size.
6. Another method, is to use gadgets available for the purpose, following their instructions!
Sprouts in the maker come out well too. Maybe your sprout maker needs to be cleaned. the holes maybe blocked. That is when it happens.
Thanks Deepsha. It might work taste wise, but you have to be careful about the texture. I would suggest you try a little with icing sugar before mixing the whole amount.