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Archives of Queries replied by Niru Gupta


how do you sign out from your website.
i see no option on the screen
Query posted by : Dr .Sharad Khorwal on 19-Jul-2011

I would just close the tab by clicking on the X in the right hand top corner.

hi mam.............gd mrng.................. i want to knw the recipe of white chocolate bar and milk chocolate bar
Query posted by : priti on 18-Jul-2011

sorry I don' t have recipes for chocolate making of that kind.

hi niru i joined your site a while ago . but i have forgotten my password. would it be possible to email it to me plz. and by the way your recipes are fantastic .
Query posted by : cliff malpass on 15-Jul-2011

fearless 1968

Am glad you enjoy my recipes. Thank you.

hello mam................. plz give me some easy chocolate recipes
Query posted by : priti on 13-Jul-2011

Homemade Chocolates

Ingredients: 150 gm icing sugar-sifted
3/4 cup butter
1 cup cocoa powder
1 tsp vanilla essence
1/2 cup milk powder
milk, in case required

Method: Mix all the ingredients into a dough like consistency, using milk only if mixture is too dry. Shape and leave to dry till outer layer is dry enough to handle. Wrap in paper and store.

If you want to add liquer add it to mixture while mixing (a tablespoon of the liquer of your choice).

Nuts can be mixed in it too.

Thanx for the reply posted earlier. One thing more I want to ask that whenever I make cake I preheat the oven at 200. Place the tin at 180 for 25 mts and then another 30 mts at 160. Even then when it is done it is crisp on the upper side but wet inside. how to get the crisp or dry results inside.
Query posted by : kanchan on 8-Jul-2011

The cake tin should never be more than half full. Maybe that is what you are doing. If the batter is too much, divide it into two and bake one at a time if they not fit into the oven together.

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