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Archives of Queries replied by Niru Gupta


First of all, many thanks for your website for great preparations. Some of your recipes, I have already tried and they are awesome.

Can you please send me some recipes of chicken preparation that do not require Garlic and Onion?

Query posted by : Suma on 22-Apr-2011

All you need to do is omit the onion and garlic.


I had posted u a query for making mango cheesecake with indian ingredients as cream cheese cannot be found, cud u plz help me with a recipe for that.

Query posted by : Ranjita on 26-Apr-2011

Chilled Mango Cheesecake
Serves 20
Biscuits (Digestive, Arrowroot or Ginger) 20 (125 g)
Butter ¼ cup (60 g)
Sugar, powdered 1 tbsp
Mango pulp 1 cup (240 g)
Sugar 1 cups (240g)
Pinch of salt
Egg yolks 4
Gelatin 3 tbsp. (24 g)
Cream, chilled 2 cups (480 g)
Mascapone Cheese 2 cups (500 g) OR
Hung curd/yogurt (dahi) 2 cups (made from about 1 kg)
Mango slices for decoration
A 10” spring form/loose based cake tin lined with butter paper

1. Powder the biscuits by crushing them between two sheets of butter paper, with a rolling pin. Alternately you could use the food processor.
2. Heat the butter to melt, add the biscuits and mix well. Shut off the heat and add the sugar.
3. Line the base of the cake tin evenly with the biscuit mixture, patting with a rounded spoon or small bowl. Pat to flatten and make it firm. Leave to cool.
4. Sprinkle the gelatine in the ½ cup water and let it soak. Place into a double boiler or a smaller container which can be placed in a bigger container containing water – the mango pulp, sugar, salt, and the yolks and cook over low heat till well mixed and slightly thickened. This is the `custard’.
5. When the custard is warm, add the soaked gelatin mixture and continue stirring till it reaches a coating consistency. Remove from heat and leave to cool till the custard is partially set.
6. Whip cream till thick and when the custard is ready, fold in the mascopone cheese OR curds and then the cream.
7. Transfer the mixture to the cake tin, leveling it smooth and leave to set in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours or overnight.
8. Loosen edges of the cake spring, by passing a blunt knife around it, between cake and sides of pan.
9. Transfer cake to a serving dish. Decorate the mango slices over the top, and and serve chilled.

If you do not have a spring form make it in a serving dish and serve without taking it out of the tin.

Dear Mrs. Niru Gupta,

I've come across your site through TigersandStrawberries.com

I would like to purchase your book 'Everyday Indian' if possible. I will be able to transfer money online into your account if you have a bank account for the same. Please do let me know if the book is available for sale, I can see on its page that it is out of print.

Great work! I really like your recipes :)
Query posted by : Huda Masood on 24-Apr-2011

Thank you Mr. Masood. Unfortunately I do not have any books left, but Amazon.com has some. I suggest you go to the site.


I am in diet, in the process of reducing my weight, so doing regular exercise and taking foods like Millet, Wheat, brown rice etc. I am looking for a few recipes on main dish (zero fat, no onion, no garlic & no chilli) for miller/brown rice. I am a nonveg. Especially a few curry varieties. I saw your recipes related to no garllic and no onion, can I do those without chilli by replacing pepper?

Also, most of the items are mentioned in hindi, I am a tamiilan, unable to understand the same. How I get the "Nogarlic " & "weight loss" recipes books thru courier, can I make the payment thru online?

Query posted by : Srinivasan B on 21-Apr-2011

I have one section on fat free also. You can always omit chillier.
I do not have an on line account. Send by VPP or you can send a draft. I can find out if you can deposit in my acct. I am away till 25th so you may not hear from me before that

I would like to make sweet imli chutney with the redisness look like you get in restaurants. Pl give receipe. Thank you.
Query posted by : PS on 13-Apr-2011

It is on the site at the following url:


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